Book Chapters

  1. A. Rashid, O. Hasan and S. Abed (2022). Using an Interactive Theorem Prover for Formally Analyzing the Dynamics of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Mobile Robot: Motion Control and Path Planning, pp: 253-282, Chapter 9, Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI) Series, Volume 1090, Springer.
  2. A. Rashid, O. Hasan and I. T. Bhatti (2020). Formal Verification of Robotic Cell Injection Systems. Control Systems Design of Bio-Robotics and Bio-mechatronic with Advanced Applications, pp: 143-170, Chapter 5, Elsevier.
  3. A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2018). Formal Verification of ZigBee-based Routing Protocol for Smart Grids. Encyclopedia of Organizational Knowledge, Administration, and Technologies, pp: 1-16, Chapter 69, IGI Global, 2019.

Journal Papers

  1. A. Rashid, A. Gauhar, O. Hasan, S. Abed and I. Ahmad (2024). Formal Verification of Universal Numbers using Theorem Proving. Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, Springer, Vol. 40, pp. 329-345, DOI:10.1007/s10836-024-06123-9.
  2. E. Deniz, A. Rashid, O. Hasan and S. Tahar (2024). Formalization of the Telegrapher's Equations using Higher-Order-Logic Theorem Proving. Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 197-236.
  3. A. Rashid, S. Abed and O. Hasan (2022). Formal Analysis of 2D Image Processing Filters using Higher-order-logic Theorem Proving. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Springer, No. 53, pp. 1-18, DOI:10.1186/s13634-022-00882-3.
  4. S. A. Murtza, W. Ahmad, A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2022). Towards the Formal Performance Analysis of Multistate Coherent Systems using HOL Theorem Proving. Journal of Risk and Reliability, SAGE, Vol. 237, No. 1, pp: 180-194, DOI:10.1177/1748006X221074441.
  5. U. Qasim, A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2022). Formalization of Bond Graph using Higher-order-logic Theorem Proving. ISA Transactions, Elsevier, Vol. 128, Part B, pp: 453-469, DOI:10.1016/j.isatra.2021.11.042.
  6. A. Gauhar, A. Rashid, O. Hasan, João Bispo and João M.P. Cardoso (2021). Formal Verification of Matrix based MATLAB Models using Interactive Theorem Proving. PeerJ Computer Science, 7:e440, pp: 1-21, DOI:10.7717/peerj-cs.440.
  7. A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2021). Formal Analysis of the Continuous Dynamics of Cyber-physical Systems using Theorem Proving. Journal of Systems Architecture, Elsevier, Volume 112, No. 101850, pp: 1-45, DOI:10.1016/j.sysarc.2020.101850.
  8. S. Abed, A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2020). Formal Reasoning about Synthetic Biology using Higher-order-logic Theorem Proving. IET Systems Biology, Volume. 14, No. 5, pp. 271-283, DOI:10.1049/iet-syb.2020.0026.
  9. A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2020). Formal Verification of Robotic Cell Injection Systems upto 4-DOF using HOL Light. Formal Aspects of Computing, Springer, Volume 32, No. 2-3, pp: 229-250, DOI: 10.1007/s00165-020-00514-3.
  10. S, Abed, A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2020). Formal Analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using Higher-order-logic Theorem Proving. Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, Volume. 17, No. 9, pp. 481-495, DOI:10.2514/1.I010730.
  11. A. Rashid, M. Umair, O. Hasan and M. H. Zaki (2020). Towards Formal Verification of Macroscopic Models of Traffic Flow in Higher-order-logic Theorem Proving. IEEE Access, Volume. 8, No. 1, pp. 27291-27307, DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2971661.
  12. A. Rashid and O. Hasan‌ (2019). Formal Analysis of Continuous-time Systems using Fourier Transform. Journal of Symbolic Computation, Elsevier, Volume 90, pp. 65-88, DOI:10.1016/j.jsc.2018.04.004.
  13. A. Rashid and O. Hasan‌ (2018). Formalization of Lerch’s Theorem using HOL Light. Journal of Applied Logics, IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, Vol. 5, No. 8, pp:1623-1652.
  14. A. Rashid and O. Hasan‌ (2019). Wearable Technologies for Hand Joints Monitoring for Rehabilitation: A Survey. Microelectronics Journal, Elsevier, Vol. 88, pp:173-183, DOI:10.1016/j.mejo.2018.01.014.
  15. A. Rashid, O. Hasan, U. Siddique and S. Tahar (2017). Formal Reasoning about Systems Biology using Theorem Proving. Public Library of Science (PLOS) ONE, Volume 12, No. 7, e0180179, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0180179.

Conference Papers

  1. K. Aksoy, A. Rashid, O. Hasan and S. Tahar (2025). Formal Analysis of Electrical Circuit Network Topologies using Theorem Proving. International Systems Conference (SysCon), IEEE, pp: xx-xx, Montreal, Canada, to appear.
  2. A. Rashid, S. Abed and O. Hasan (2025). Formalization of Biological Circuit Block Diagrams for formally analyzing Biomedical Control Systems in pHRI Applications. International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (ICMRE), IEEE, pp: xx-xx, Lille, France, to appear.
  3. A. Jemaa, A. Rashid and S. Tahar (2025). Extending XReason: Formal Explanations for Adversarial Detection. International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), Springer, Vol. xx, pp: xx-xx, London, United Kingdom, to appear.
  4. E. Deniz, A. Rashid and S. Tahar (2024). Formal Verification of Coupled Transmission Lines using Theorem Proving. International Conference on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECOS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. xx, pp: xx-xx, Djerba, Tunisia, To Appear.
  5. K. Aksoy, A. Rashid and S. Tahar (2024). Formal Kinematic Analysis of Epicyclic Bevel Gear Trains. International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 15394, pp: 162-180, Hiroshima, Japan.
  6. N. Dekhil, A. Rashid and S. Tahar (2024). HOL4PRS: Proof Recommendation System for the HOL4 Theorem Prover. International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Springer, Vol. 14960, pp: 352-359, Montreal, Canada.
  7. M. Abdelghany, A. Rashid and S. Tahar (2024). A Framework for Formal Probabilistic Risk Assessment using HOL Theorem Proving. International Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Springer, Vol. 14960, pp: 298-314, Montreal, Canada.
  8. N. Dekhil, A. Rashid and S. Tahar (2024). Proof Recommendation System for the HOL4 Theorem Prover. Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Theorem Proving (AITP), pp: 1-4, Aussois, France.
  9. E. Deniz, A. Rashid, O. Hasan and S. Tahar (2024). Formal Verification of ABCD Parameters Based Models for Transmission Lines. International Symposium on Symbolic Computation in Software Science (SCSS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 14991, pp: 20-37, Tokyo, Japan.
  10. A. Rashid, S. Abed and O. Hasan (2023). Formal Stability Analysis of Two-dimensional Digital Image Processing Filters. International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (ICICT), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), Springer, Vol. 693, pp: 583-591, London, UK.
  11. H. Z. Ali and A. Rashid (2023). Anti-social Behavior Detection using Multi-lingual Model. International Conference on Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICACS), IEEE, pp: 1-9, Lahore, Pakistan.
  12. E. Deniz, A. Rashid, O. Hasan and S. Tahar (2022). On the Formalization of the Heat Conduction Problem in HOL. Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Springer, Vol. 13467, pp: 21-37, Tbilisi, Georgia.
  13. M. Ahmed and A. Rashid (2021). Formalization of Transform Methods using Higher-order Logic: A Survey. Formal Verification of Physical Systems (FVPS), CICM Workshop, CEUR, pp: 1-8, Timisoara, Romania.
  14. A. Rashid, A. Gauhar and O. Hasan (2020). FASiM: A Framework for Automatic Formal Analysis of Simulink Models of Linear Analog Circuits. IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), pp. 1-7, Montreal, Canada.
  15. S. Abed, A. Rashid and O. Hasan ‌ (2020). Formal Analysis of the Biological Circuits using Higher-order-logic Theorem Proving. ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC), pp. 355-360, Brno, Czech Republic.
  16. A. Rashid, U. Siddique and S. Tahar (2019). Formal Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems using Theorem Proving. Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems (FTSCS), Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Springer, Vol. 1165, pp. 3-18, Shenzhen, China.
  17. A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2018). Formal Modeling of Robotic Cell Injection Systems in Higher-order Logic. Formal Verification of Physical Systems (FVPS), CICM Workshop, CEUR, pp: 1-9, Hagenberg, Austria.
  18. A. Rashid, U. Siddique and O. Hasan (2018). Formal Verification of Platoon Control Strategies. Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 10886, pp: 223-238, Toulouse, France.
  19. A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2017). Formal Analysis of Robotic Cell Injection Systems using Theorem Proving. Design, Modeling and Evaluation of Cyber Physical Systems (CyPhy), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 11267, pp: 127-141, Seoul, South Korea.
  20. A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2017). Formal Analysis of Linear Control Systems using Theorem Proving. International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 10610, pp: 345-361, Xi’an, China.
  21. A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2017). Formalization of Transform Methods using HOL Light. Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Springer, Vol. 10383, pp: 319-332, Edinburgh, UK.
  22. A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2016). On the Formalization of Fourier Transform in Higher-order Logic. Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, Vol. 9807, pp: 483-490, Nancy, France (Rank A, CORE).
  23. A. Rashid, O. Hasan and K. Saghar (2015). Formal Analysis of a ZigBee-based Routing Protocol for Smart Grids using UPPAAL. High-Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling/Emerging Technologies (HONET), IEEE, pp: 80-84, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  24. A. Ahmed, A. Rashid and S. Iqbal (2014). Formal Analysis of Weather Forecasting Model in PRISM. Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT), IEEE, pp: 355-360, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Technical Reports

  1. A. Rashid, O. Hasan, U. Siddique and S. Tahar (2017). Formal Reasoning about Systems Biology using Theorem Proving. Technical Report, NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  2. A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2017). Formalization of Fourier Transform using HOL Light. Technical Report, NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  3. A. Rashid and O. Hasan (2017). Formal Analysis of Linear Control Systems using Theorem Proving. Technical Report, NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan.


  1. A. Rashid (2019). Formalization of Transform Methods using Higher-order-logic Theorem Proving. PhD Thesis, NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan.

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